Monday, August 2, 2010

Empty Me

So, the last time I updated my blog, my Grandpa was still alive! Wow, what a tough time losing my grandpa was for me and my whole family. We are all so happy that he with the Lord and no longer sick, but of course we all miss him like crazy!! Thanks to everyone who was in prayer for my family and showed my family so much support!! We are truly so blessed by you all! Please continue to be praying for us through the grieving process and the different adjustments we've had to made. And of course, prayer for my Grandma would be awesome! :-)

Since the passing of my grandpa, there has been so much going on in my own life. For starters, GOING TO AFRICA and as soon as I returned, getting back to working like crazy, spending time with all my amazing friends and family and now I'm getting into the mode of getting ready for school!! If you don't already know, I will be attending Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN!!! yaaaay I'm getting out of Gurnee and heading to such an incredible city!!!!! Praise the Lord!

Africa was amazing!! It was so incredible to be so far away and share the love of Jesus Christ with many. We worked with a lot of kids there and did a lot of little projects here and there. My facebook has many many more pictures that tell more than I can ever share on here.

^---- Here's my adorable small group at camp!

<---- Here's my amazing team that I traveled many miles with and shared thousands of laughs with!! :-)

Well, I leave for school on August 14th, less than 2 weeks away!! I cannot believe how fast this has come up!! I keep thinking how big of a step this is for me and I'm terrified and super excited all at the same time. If you know about any of the hurt that I've gone through the past couple of years, I'm sure you understand why I'm even more excited to get away for a while and experience something completely new! As hard as living here is for me, I know it has truly been a huge blessing to me. I am at peace with knowing that I would not have learned what I've learned and grown in my relationship with Christ like I have if it wasn't for my decision of staying home and going to community college.

I have been so busy and I will admit to you all that recently my relationship with the Lord has not been as intimate and close as it has been before and I've been feeling so off balance because of that. After the craziness was over with my Grandpa's passing and then my trip, my focus has been working, working and more working along with making time for family and friends. One of the big lessons I learned this past year was how important it is to make God number 1 in your life. I still have my eyes on him and everything, but I'm just not spending the time I like to with Him. As school is nearing very soon, I've realized that I can't do this anymore and need to get back to getting in the word daily and getting back into my routine. It's hard and I know of so many people that struggle with this. There are obviously up and down times that are going to happen and I'm trying to really acknowledge that and not be too hard on myself. It was really rough going through that whole process with my Grandpa. It was so emotionally draining and I guess I haven't wanted to sit and think about too much lately and face certain things. This week has been really amazing so far though. I've been blasting worship music again in my car and getting into the word more. PTL! :) This has really helped me become a little calmer about school and other things. God is reminding me daily, in the midst of everything, that He is in control of my life and that I should not be anxious about school or anything else. God has brought me on this journey and I know that He is going to be watching over me every second of the day. I should not worry about loneliness because when I was in the most lonely time in my life, God got me through it! He's never let me down and I'm going to continue keeping my eyes set on how much He has gotten me through!!

Well, I guess next time I post a new entry I'll be letting you all know how school is going and everything!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!! I'm going to college! In Nashville!!! Near Kelly and Steven!!! Far away from Gurnee!! Okay. Okay. I'm getting excited!!!!!! :) :) :) :) Please keep my in your prayers the next few weeks. Classes start August 23rd!

God Bless you all!!